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Covid update

In light of the rise in positive Covid cases in the area we have reviewed our school risk assessment and the following are now in place from Monday 11th October.


  • All staff will wear a mask when in contact with any parent/carer
  • All parents/carers are very strongly advised to wear a mask when dropping off and collecting children
  • A mask MUST be worn by any parent/carer when you are inside the building, you will need to use hand gel before entering the building
  • Please adhere to the one way system and arrows in place
  • When waiting to drop off and collect please keep a distance from other families
  • Please do not cross the yellow line when dropping off/collecting your child for the door into Nursery (please do not get close to the staff or lean into the door)
  • Only 1 adult please inside the school grounds when dropping off and collecting

We will keep you all updated of any further changes/measures in place and ask for your full support in continuing to keep us all safe
