We use a range of different strategies to support children with their storytelling skills.
Talk 4 Writing
We support the children to learn a range of traditional stories, so over time the children can internalise the imaginative world as well as language patterns. When we learn a story we do not only read it once or twice we do it over and over for a period of time approx. 3 weeks. We do not just read the story, we add actions, watch the story on the whiteboard, act it out, draw story maps, use props to re-tell and even make changes to it. Children are then able to make up new stories by calling upon an imaginative bank of ideas plus language patterns and increased vocabulary.
Helicopter Stories
Helicopter Stories supports children with creating their own stories. The adult scribes the child's exact words and children act out the stories—bringing every child’s story to life!
Tales Toolkit
This approach enables and supports children with creating and structuring their own stories. Children are introduced to the Tales Toolkit structure: Character, Setting, Problem and Solution.