Our Nursery School is open 38 weeks a year (Term time only). In our Sycamore Nursery we have the capacity for up to 10 children at any one time. Places are allocated in the September after a child turns 3.
Sycamore sessions are as follows:
Mornings Monday - Friday 8.40am - 11.40am
Sycamore Nursery is our specialist Early Years Inclusion Hub for children with identified Special Educational Needs. Our aim is to support the learning and development of each individual child by providing an integrated, balanced, broad, stimulating and differentiated curriculum.
Sycamore Nursery is run in a standalone room with access to the main Oak Nursery where Sycamore and Oak children are able to have integrated play.
The Sycamore team is led by Verony Elmer - Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo and Aimie Pearson - Teacher and Deputy SENDCo. The children are allocated a key worker who will be your first point of contact.
Netherton Park Nursery School do not allocate these spaces. The allocation of spaces is made through various processes made by IEYS ( Dudley's Integrated Early Years Service). If you believe your child may be suitable for one of these spaces please contact IEYS which can be found in our SEND section of this website. Places in the Early Years Inclusion Hubs across the borough are allocated according to home location.
Please contact us if you would like to visit or if you require any further information.