Meet the Governors
Sue Cooper: Co-Chair (Co-Opted Governor)
I began my career working for the NHS as a statistician for the West Midlands Regional Health Board which covered all five midland counties. I was really fortunate to be involved in all sorts of research projects; some being very technical around drug efficacy whilst others were looking at waiting lists by specialty and rescheduling theatre times to bring down waiting times.
Having been appointed as the statistical adviser to what was then known as the Acute Care Group I was working on how best to organise hospitals across the Birmingham area. It was in this role that I began to understand management and leadership and I decided that I wanted to move on.
Over the years I have held various management positions and have gained skills in operational management with responsibility for District Nursing and Health Visiting Teams as well as the Community Specialist Nursing Teams, Governance with responsibility for ensuring high quality GP, Dental, Ophthalmic and pharmacy services, Commissioning dealing with both tendering for new contracts and also monitoring performance against contracts across both hospital, community and primary care provision and of course strategic development writing strategy documents for the future of health services to meet local needs.
I loved my work in the NHS and with the significant reorganisation of 2013 I was lucky enough to be able to take voluntary early retirement having reached the position of Associate Director of Primary Care across the Black Country.
Grasping the opportunity to do something different I volunteered for Dudley Citizens Advice where I became a fully qualified adviser. This experience was grounding but I loved helping people with their problems be they debt, homelessness, employment, domestic abuse etc. We all need a little help sometimes and for me it was a refreshing change to look into the eyes of another human being rather than writing lots of long documents and attending long meetings.
After nearly 5 years I decided that I wanted more time to help my daughter with her three children and was lucky enough to be nominated onto the Board as a Trustee thereby retaining my involvement with Citizens Advice.
Having been a working mum I felt I had missed out a little on things like taking the kids to school and attending school plays but I have to say being a grandparent is fabulous. I love spending time with, so far, all four with another on the way.
Having been involved with Netherton Park Nursery since 2007 I have seen many changes but I know that we have always delivered the highest quality teaching within school and our children are supported to attain their highest potential. I am very proud to be a part of Netherton Park and look forward to our future together.
Chris Booker: Co-Chair (Co-Opted Governor)
I'm a Parent Governor, who has been a member of the Netherton Park Nursery School Governing Body since 2018.
I joined the Governing Body as I really wanted to give something back to the Nursery School where my eldest son had such a wonderful experience and my youngest son continues to have a great time. I'm a member of the resources committee and have an active role on the Governing Body, particularly when it comes to finances and resources. I have also recently become the EYPP Governor, working with Alison to understand the impact of the pupil premium money received by the Nursery School.
In terms of my background, I'm an economist and chartered accountant with almost twenty years experience advising multinational businesses on their international tax affairs. I spent three years living in Australia, returning to the UK to get married and become a dad to my two boys. I'm a keen runner and you'll often see me heading for a run round Netherton after drop off!
Alison Ward: (Headteacher)
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Netherton park Nursery School. I was appointed as Headteacher in May 2020 after being the Deputy Headteacher since January 2015. I have 30 years experience of working with children aged under 5 and their families, 25 as an Early Years Teacher. I have taught in schools across Birmingham, Sandwell and Dudley as well as being a Children's Centre Teacher.
I have previously worked for Dudley Local Authority as an Early Years Advisor and I am also a Specialist Leader of Education for Early Years - both of which have enabled me to be able to support the Early Years in local settings and schools within Dudley and across the West Midlands.
In 2019 I successfully completed the National Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
Teresa Cutler: Vice Chair (Co-Opted Governor)
I began my teaching career in 1979, working in a wide variety of culturally diverse primary schools in the East and West Midlands. I took up the Head Teacher post at St Mary’s RC Primary School in Brierley Hill in 1995 and led the school to attain a Good Ofsted judgement.
In 2004 I was recruited to the Dudley Primary School Improvement Team. This was to support schools causing concern through Local Authority Monitoring Visits. I worked closely with the Literacy and Numeracy Consultants in the borough to ensure that standards and pupil progress was continually improving. This role included lesson observations, book trawls/scrutiny staff interviews and governor interviews.
I supported other schools in writing Ofsted action plans, compiling school self-evaluations, providing governor training and self-evaluation action plans, carrying out Head Teacher Appraisals attending exclusion appeals and staff disciplinary hearings, investigating school complaints and initiating safeguarding training across the borough
When I retired from Dudley Local Authority in July 2018, I set up my own company and became an independent School Improvement Consultant. I currently work with a variety of secondary and primary and schools in several authorities, and of course Netherton Park which is a setting that I have had the privilege to support as a school Improvement Consultant for many years and now, more importantly as a Governor.
Elaine Harvey: (School Business Manager/Co-Opted Governor)
I am one of the co-opted governors at Netherton Park Nursery School and I am also the School Business Manager.
I have been involved in governance for approximately 16 years and have enjoyed all aspects of it. I started as a parent governor at my daughter’s secondary school and in December 2011 I was appointed to the role of staff governor at this school. My current role is that of a co-opted governor.
The governance roles in the two schools that I have served at are so very different and yet so very similar as, running through both of them, is the desire to make a difference and to support the school in the education of the children who attend. The age range of the secondary school was 11-16 year olds and the age range of our children is currently 2-4 year olds (it used to be 0-4 years) so it has provided me with an insight into education from one end of the spectrum to the other!
I hope that my years of experience in administration, facility management, finance and personnel brings a set of skills that can be used effectively and supportively to the governing body, the school, the parent/carers and the children who attend.
Verony Elmer: (Deputy Headteacher/Staff Governor)
My name is Verony Elmer and I have been a teacher since 2003 and have worked here at Netherton Park Nursery School as the Nursery teacher since September 2015. I have been lucky enough to have gained a great wealth of experience since working at Netherton Park and have gained the position as Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead alongside a full time teaching responsibility.
I have taught in several schools throughout the West Midlands and have experience of teaching in Key Stage One and Two whilst working in Primary Schools alongside much of my career working in Nursery and Reception (EYFS).
For a short period of time I was a supply teacher and again worked across many schools in the West Midlands and gained a good reputation.
I am married to James and we are blessed with having two amazing daughters who are rapidly growing into strong independent young ladies.
When time allows I love to spend time in the garden, reading historical fiction books and cooking.
Clair Whitehouse: (Parent Governor)
I'm a Parent Governor who has been a member of the Netherton Park Nursery School Governing Body since 2018. I joined the Governing Body as I really wanted to give something back to the Nursery School. Both of my children attended Netherton Park and have had a wonderful experience. We trusted the Nursery completely with our children who both thrived in their care.
I'm a member of the Learning and Policy Committee and have responsibilities for Mental Health & Well Being and Training and Development.
In terms of my background, I work in Human Resources for a financial services company and focus on Regulatory Learning and the onboarding of new colleagues. I enjoy family time, holidays and keeping fit.
I am very proud to be a part of Netherton Park and look forward to our future together.
Charlotte Hamilton: (Parent Governor)
I began my journey as parent Governor at Netherton Park Nursery School at the start of the Autumn 2022-23, but I have a long standing connection with Netherton Park Nursery School as I myself attended as have both of my sons. I truly believe it is a cornerstone of the community, that provides amazing opportunities for the children and families in our local area and by acting as a governor I hope to give back to the community. I also hope that my own knowledge and expertise supports the Nursery School to continue to provide outstanding provision for all of its children.
I have two degrees in Psychology and Neuropsychology, as well as being a qualified teacher. I have previously worked for the NHS as an Assistant Psychologist. As a teacher I have worked in a number of schools, including state-maintained, SEND and independent schools with ages ranging from EYFS to Secondary. I currently work part-time as a Specialist Mental Health Mentor guiding University students through their learning journey and supporting their wellbeing.
Alongside my part-time position I also run my own small business which is where my biggest passion lies; supporting the wellbeing and mental health of families. I am a Baby and Mom wellness expert and teach Baby Massage and Baby Yoga locally, in Stourbridge.