Admissions into Saplings and Oak
Children are admitted in the September following their 3rd birthday.
If there are available places we may also offer a January and/or an April intake into our Saplings group. If no places are available then children will be offered a place in the following September.
All children aged 3 and 4 are entitled to 15 hours nursery provision per week. If you would like to put your child's name onto our waiting list, please call our main Reception on 01384 818255.
Our 15 hour sessions are:
Mornings - Monday - Friday 8.40am - 11.40am
Afternoons - Monday - Friday 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Please note we can only offer a place if we have spaces available.
30 hours
Extended hours (an additional 15 hours, also known as 30 hours) for 3 and 4 year olds is available for children whose parents meet the following criteria:
*Parent means a person with parental responsibility for the child or care of the child in cases where the parent has remarried or is living with a partner, the step-parent or partner must also meet the earnings threshold.
It is the parents responsibility to apply for this. Please follow the link to make an application if you feel you may be eligible: 30 hours.
You need to apply and receive a qualifying code BEFORE you can apply for the extra 15 hours. We cannot secure or guarantee a place without this valid code.
We offer the 30 hours over 5 days, 39 weeks a year term time only:
All Day - Monday to Friday 8.40am - 2.40pm
Please note we can only offer a place if we have spaces available.
All children will be placed on our waiting list and offered any available spaces in date of birth order (oldest first) and for those who live within our catchment area, and not offered a place in the order they are added to the waiting list, this is in line with our Admissions Policy.