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Kindergarten Winter collections

Kindergarten Parents/Carers

Due to the nights becoming darker, from Thursday 3rd November you will be able to access Kindergarten and Wraparound via the gate directly off the car park when collecting your child/ren.

The gate will only be open from 4.15pm. If you are picking up or dropping off before this time you will need to use the main Reception as normal.


The gate has a video entry system linked to Reception. You will need to press the buzzer, look at the camera and let us know who you are here to collect, we will then release the gate for you to come through. Please ensure that you close the gate behind you.  If you leave via this gate please ensure that you do not let anyone in. If someone is waiting to be let in please be patient and make sure they have spoken to Reception before opening the gate. If you’re collecting a child from Nursery please collect from  the community room accessed through the Kindergarten garden.


To release the gate when leaving please press the small wall mounted button to the right hand side of the gate.  This will release the gate for a few seconds allowing you time to reach across to open it. 

If you are unsure which way you need to go once you have been let through the back gate please ask Reception when you speak to them via the intercom, or ask your child’s keyworker in advance.


The latest copies of our Privacy Notice and Publication scheme are on display in Kindergarten and on our website. If you would like a hard copy please see reception.

